When tasked with finding an organization that was in need of a rebrand. I chose the cannabis advocate group, The Ohio Rights Group.
Its about more than legal weed. We are on the verge of a sustainable industrial revolution, with the continued evolution of our knowledge in the use of the cannabis plant. It was important to me to recognize a burgeoning industry early on in my design education, as I realized that while this plant is making our lives better, there would be a need for visual communicators to help end the stigma that many of us have had ingrained in us since childhood.
The spirit of this project was to combat long accepted iconography, by stepping away from the well known symbol of counter culture, the pot leaf, and instead approach from the viewpoint of wellness. This meant a clean and sensitive approach, to help the audience understand they aren’t breaking the rules, they are doing not only what feels good, but what helps the body and mind by way of naturally occurring medicinal properties. Instead of the pot leaf, I chose the iconic symbol of potential, the building block of life and growth, the seed.
Included in the rebrand was a website, advertisements and print collateral.